
There are four standing committees of the Village Board, made up of six municipal categories. Each committee is comprised of three Village Board members. The committees meet on an as needed basis, with the exception of Public Works which meets monthly. A description of each committee can be found below:


Finance-Exercises general oversight of financial records, procedures and activities. Studies and makes recommendations, when requested, concerning major purchases of equipment, material and pending contracts where no other committee has responsibility.
Economic Development-Studies and recommends methods of community development, both residential and commercial. Develops long-range and short-range comprehensive plans for Board of Trustee consideration. Provides general oversight for community activities and events sponsored by the Village for the enhancement of the community at large and makes recommendations to the Board of Trustees.

Public Works

Sewer and Water-Exercises general oversight of clean water and sewer operations with regard to test results, bid specifications and maintenance. Makes detailed studies and presents recommendations in these areas when requested.
Streets and Alleys-Exercises general oversight of streets and alleys, streetlights, traffic lights, and warning sirens with regard to test results, bid specifications and maintenance. Makes detailed studies and presents recommendations in these areas when requested.


Exercises general oversight of ordinances, housing, buildings, and grounds. Makes detailed studies and presents recommendations in these areas when requested. Provides general oversight of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Building and Plumbing Inspectors.


 Exercises general oversight of procedures and activities, studies and makes recommendations, when requested, and studies and makes recommendations concerning personnel policies, disciplinary action and job descriptions. May assist with screening of candidates.

Board of Trustees Committees